Estimate regression Random Forest using spectral deconfounding. The spectrally deconfounded Random Forest (SDForest) combines SDTrees in the same way, as in the original Random Forest Breiman2001RandomForestsSDModels. The idea is to combine multiple regression trees into an ensemble in order to decrease variance and get a smooth function. Ensembles work best if the different models are independent of each other. To decorrelate the regression trees as much as possible from each other, we have two mechanisms. The first one is bagging Breiman1996BaggingPredictorsSDModels, where we train each regression tree on an independent bootstrap sample of the observations, e.g., we draw a random sample of size \(n\) with replacement from the observations. The second mechanic to decrease the correlation is that only a random subset of the covariates is available for each split. Before each split, we sample \(\text{mtry} \leq p\) from all the covariates and choose the one that reduces the loss the most only from those. $$\widehat{f(X)} = \frac{1}{N_{tree}} \sum_{t = 1}^{N_{tree}} SDTree_t(X)$$
formula = NULL,
data = NULL,
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
nTree = 100,
cp = 0,
min_sample = 5,
mtry = NULL,
mc.cores = 1,
Q_type = "trim",
trim_quantile = 0.5,
q_hat = 0,
Qf = NULL,
gamma = 7,
max_size = NULL,
gpu = FALSE,
return_data = TRUE,
mem_size = 1e+07,
leave_out_ind = NULL,
envs = NULL,
nTree_leave_out = NULL,
nTree_env = NULL,
max_candidates = 100,
Q_scale = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
Object of class formula
or describing the model to fit
of the form y ~ x1 + x2 + ...
where y
is a numeric response and
x1, x2, ...
are vectors of covariates. Interactions are not supported.
Training data of class data.frame
containing the variables in the model.
Matrix of covariates, alternative to formula
and data
Vector of responses, alternative to formula
and data
Number of trees to grow.
Complexity parameter, minimum loss decrease to split a node.
A split is only performed if the loss decrease is larger than cp * initial_loss
where initial_loss
is the loss of the initial estimate using only a stump.
Minimum number of observations per leaf.
A split is only performed if both resulting leaves have at least
Number of randomly selected covariates to consider for a split,
half of the covariates are available for each split.
\(\text{mtry} = \lfloor \frac{p}{2} \rfloor\)
Number of cores to use for parallel processing,
if mc.cores > 1
the trees are estimated in parallel.
Type of deconfounding, one of 'trim', 'pca', 'no_deconfounding'.
'trim' corresponds to the Trim transform Cevid2020SpectralModelsSDModels
as implemented in the Doubly debiased lasso Guo2022DoublyConfoundingSDModels,
'pca' to the PCA transformationPaul2008PreconditioningProblemsSDModels.
See get_Q
Quantile for Trim transform,
only needed for trim, see get_Q
Assumed confounding dimension, only needed for pca,
see get_Q
Spectral transformation, if NULL
it is internally estimated using get_Q
Numerical Anchor of class matrix
. See get_W
Strength of distributional robustness, \(\gamma \in [0, \infty]\).
See get_W
Maximum number of observations used for a bootstrap sample.
n samples with replacement are drawn.
, the calculations are performed on the GPU.
If it is properly set up.
, the training data is returned in the output.
This is needed for prune.SDForest
, regPath.SDForest
and for mergeForest
Amount of split candidates that can be evaluated at once. This is a trade-off between memory and speed can be decreased if either the memory is not sufficient or the gpu is to small.
Indices of observations that should not be used for training.
Vector of environments of class factor
which can be used for stratified tree fitting.
Number of trees that should be estimated while leaving one of the environments out. Results in number of environments times number of trees.
Number of trees that should be estimated for each environment. Results in number of environments times number of trees.
Maximum number of split points that are proposed at each node for each covariate.
Should data be scaled to estimate the spectral transformation?
Default is TRUE
to not reduce the signal of high variance covariates,
and we do not know of a scenario where this hurts.
fitting information is shown.
Object of class SDForest
Vector of predictions for each observation.
List of SDTree objects.
Names of the covariates.
Out-of-bag loss. MSE
Out-of-bag loss using the spectral transformation.
Variable importance. The variable importance is calculated as the sum of the decrease in the loss function resulting from all splits that use a covariate for each tree. The mean of the variable importance of all trees results in the variable importance for the forest.
List of indices of trees that did not contain the observation in the training set.
Out-of-bag predictions.
If return_data
the following are also returned:
Matrix of covariates.
Vector of responses.
Spectral transformation.
If envs
is provided the following are also returned:
Vector of environments.
Number of trees for each environment.
List of indices of trees that did not contain the observation or the same environment in the training set for each observation.
Out-of-bag loss using only trees that did not contain the observation or the same environment.
Out-of-bag loss using the spectral transformation and only trees that did not contain the observation or the same environment.
Out-of-bag predictions using only trees that did not contain the observation or the same environment.
If environments are left out, the environment for each tree, that was left out.
If environments are provided, the environment each tree is trained with.
n <- 50
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * 5), nrow = n)
y <- sign(X[, 1]) * 3 + rnorm(n)
model <- SDForest(x = X, y = y, Q_type = 'no_deconfounding', nTree = 5, cp = 0.5)
predict(model, newdata = data.frame(X))
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#> -1.680850 2.056027 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027
#> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
#> 2.056027 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027 -1.680850 -1.680850 2.056027 -1.680850
#> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
#> -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027 2.056027 2.056027 2.056027 2.056027 -1.680850
#> 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
#> 2.056027 -1.680850 -1.680850 -1.680850 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027 -1.680850
#> 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
#> 2.056027 -1.680850 -1.680850 -1.680850 -1.680850 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027
#> 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
#> -1.680850 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027 -1.680850 -1.680850 2.056027 2.056027
#> 49 50
#> -1.680850 2.056027
# \donttest{
# simulation of confounded data
sim_data <- simulate_data_nonlinear(q = 2, p = 150, n = 100, m = 2)
X <- sim_data$X
Y <- sim_data$Y
train_data <- data.frame(X, Y)
# causal parents of y
#> [1] 88 112
# comparison to classical random forest
fit_ranger <- ranger::ranger(Y ~ ., train_data, importance = 'impurity')
fit <- SDForest(x = X, y = Y, nTree = 10, Q_type = 'pca', q_hat = 2)
fit <- SDForest(Y ~ ., nTree = 10, train_data)
#> SDForest result
#> Number of trees: 10
#> Number of covariates: 150
#> OOB loss: 0.73
#> OOB spectral loss: 0.11
# comparison of variable importance
imp_ranger <- fit_ranger$variable.importance
imp_sdf <- fit$var_importance
imp_col <- rep('black', length(imp_ranger))
imp_col[sim_data$j] <- 'red'
plot(imp_ranger, imp_sdf, col = imp_col, pch = 20,
xlab = 'ranger', ylab = 'SDForest',
main = 'Variable Importance')
# check regularization path of variable importance
path <- regPath(fit)
# out of bag error for different regularization
# detection of causal parent using stability selection
stablePath <- stabilitySelection(fit)
# pruning of forest according to optimal out-of-bag performance
fit <- prune(fit, cp = path$cp_min)
# partial functional dependence of y on the most important covariate
most_imp <- which.max(fit$var_importance)
dep <- partDependence(fit, most_imp)
plot(dep, n_examples = 100)
# }