Removes all nodes that did not improve the loss by more than cp times the initial loss. Either by themselves or by one of their successors. Note that the tree is pruned in place. If you intend to keep the original tree, make a copy of it before pruning.
# S3 method for class 'SDTree'
prune(object, cp, ...)
A pruned SDTree object
X <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 20), nrow = 10)
Y <- rnorm(10)
tree <- SDTree(x = X, y = Y)
pruned_tree <- prune(copy(tree), 0.2)
#> levelName value s j label decision n_samples
#> 1 1 0.5271484 0.4918723 2 X2 <= 0.49 10
#> 2 ¦--1 1.4656657 NA NA 1.5 yes 5
#> 3 °--2 -0.4113688 NA NA -0.4 no 5
#> levelName value s j label decision n_samples
#> 1 1 0.5271484 0.4918723 2 X2 <= 0.49 10
#> 2 ¦--1 1.4656657 NA NA 1.5 yes 5
#> 3 °--2 -0.4113688 NA NA -0.4 no 5