Simulation of data from a confounded non-linear model. Where the non-linear function is a random regression tree. The data generating process is given by: $$Y = f(X) + \delta^T H + \nu$$ $$X = \Gamma^T H + E$$ where \(f(X)\) is a random regression tree with \(m\) random splits of the data. Resulting in a random step-function with \(m+1\) levels, i.e. leaf-levels. $$f(x_i) = \sum_{k = 1}^K 1_{\{x_i \in R_k\}} c_k$$ \(E\), \(\nu\) are random error terms and \(H \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times q}\) is a matrix of random confounding covariates. \(\Gamma \in \mathbb{R}^{q \times p}\) and \(\delta \in \mathbb{R}^{q}\) are random coefficient vectors. For the simulation, all the above parameters are drawn from a standard normal distribution, except for \(\delta\) which is drawn from a normal distribution with standard deviation 10. The leaf levels \(c_k\) are drawn from a uniform distribution between -50 and 50.
simulate_data_step(q, p, n, m, make_tree = FALSE)
a list containing the simulated data:
a matrix
of covariates
a vector
of responses
a vector
of the true function f(X)
the indices of the causal covariates in X
If make_tree
, the random regression tree of class
from Glur2023Data.tree:StructureSDModels
# simulation of confounded data
sim_data <- simulate_data_step(q = 2, p = 15, n = 100, m = 2)
X <- sim_data$X
Y <- sim_data$Y